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Tick Tock

Tick Tock


Start your day with a smile (and maybe a snooze or two) with Tick Tock by Erin Spencer. Written for the 2024 LFM: a Little Flute Magazine Volume 3 and inspired by the theme of "Long vs. Short," this piece brings the morning routine to life in a whimsical and relatable way.


The melody begins with the steady ticking of a clock, only to be interrupted by the chaotic blare of an alarm at measure 10. A dramatic stomp silences the commotion as the snooze button is hit, allowing the ticking to resume—briefly. As the piece unfolds, the alarm returns, the ticking grows more frantic, and the final measures capture the humor of a circus-like scramble to get ready for the day.


With its blend of precision and humor, Tick Tock demands a steady, robotic tempo to mimic the clock’s rhythm. Adding a clicky metronome or even a real ticking clock can elevate the performance, emphasizing its quirky character.

This playful piece was created as part of LFM: a Little Flute Magazine, a quarterly publication for beginner flutists, their teachers, and families. Each issue is filled with engaging games, creative resources, fresh music, and a supportive community that celebrates the joy of learning the flute.


Whether you’re exploring Tick Tock for fun or performance, let its clever rhythms and quirky storytelling bring your music-making to life. Learn more about LFM: a Little Flute Magazine and how it inspires flutists worldwide at

  • A native of Colorado, Erin has been teaching flute and piano for 9 years. For much of that time, she thought she wanted to be a band director, but after teaching private lessons, she realized how much FUN it is and how big of a difference she can make in the lives of her students. She earned her Master's Degree in Flute Performance and her Bachelor's in Music Education at the University of Missouri to be the best flute educator she could be. The left side of Erin's face was paralyzed in 2018. Although it was devastating, having flute taken away reinvigorated her passion for flute, and the process of re-learning to play forced her to find new ways to improve her sound, making her an even better teacher. Erin collects crafts like some people collect stamps: crocheting, cookie and cake decorating, horseback riding, embroidery, board gaming, and more! Her favorite thing about teaching younger students is how much excitement and energy they bring to lessons. Find more about Spencer Music Studio at:

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