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Make music with Miss Sarah

Sydney East Flute Studio is a specialist flute teaching studio in Bondi, Sydney's Eastern suburbs and accepts students of all ages. The Studio philosophy is "musical excellence, in a positive learning environment, developing skills to last a lifetime".
Lessons are tailored to suit individual students and progress at each child's pace. My aim is to teach students how to (eventually) be their own teacher - to listen, analyse, and work out ways to solve problems without becoming frustrated. I also teach group classes for young children using recorder or Nuvo Toots. In these classes students develop aural skills, beginner music literacy, fine motor control, and learn in a fun environment with friends building enthusiasm and motivation.
I teach children to play and perform pieces from memory to develop aural skills and to consolidate optimum technique. I also teach students to read music and to be able to sight read (read and play music immediately without assistance from a parent or teacher). I help students with school band repertoire if required, and can prepare students for auditions, high school assessments, and Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) exams if they wish.
I am very interested in developing good habits - both technical habits and practice habits, "grit" (perseverance), positive attitude, mindfulness (paying attention to what you are doing rather than mindlessly going through motions), focus, and "flow" (getting "in the zone").
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